
to quiz or not to quiz.

If you were a super hero which one would you be ?
Your Result: Shape Shifting

You Can Always be what people want you to be . You are very popular but you also have a sense of nasty about you .You find it nessersery to be what people wantyou to be and not how you would like to veiw your self.

Mind Reading
Body Duplication
If you were a super hero which one would you be ?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

this is cool.
if ask this question,my ans will awaes be:
i wanna be lyk mystique.cool kan!
shape shifting is acceptable.

What flavor are you quiz
Your Result: Vanilla

You are the ultimate Social Butterfly, and blend well with everyone. You probably have lots of frinds, and get along with babies and grandparents alike!

What flavor are you quiz
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

i love vanilla!
k.tis is weird too.
see how things that you like are interlinked with what you are.

What Avatar: The Last Airbender Character are you?
Your Result: You are Aang

your a very hyperactive, and moody person. Which, isn't a bad thing because you solve every problem with a smile, but your caring and emotion can't be used everywhere, and it is up to you to use it as you can. Yet, your still a kid (more than likely) and you want to enjoy life as it is, not how it will be in the next 5 years, or how it would have been 100 years ago.

You are Katara
you are Iroh
you are toph
you are Sokka
You are the Cabbage merchant
you are Azula
you are Suko
What Avatar: The Last Airbender Character are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

and yes.
i am aang.
family told me im lyk katara.
but nooo.
im aang.
k.this avatar im toking bout.
im not a freak.

tis is what you get when you're bored.
still home alone now.

btw.thank you for yesterdae baby.ure da bomb.hee.

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