y do people blog.
i do remember asking some people.
to kill my boredom and my frens' boredom.
yan :
some things are better left written or typed, rather than said.
suussh.i blog for fun.
place for me to express thoughts which cannot be done wif frens and family.
to me sometimes,words being typed are much more expressive than being said.
well.tis are some of my gurls point of views.i reli dunno y people blog in the first place.hmm.some as they portray,wants to show off,wants to express hatred and other stuffs.
my only intention of blogging is just to express myself.cant express it.
blog isnt something that gives you a window to ones life.
mostly.what you see, aint what you get.
i dun normally write much.
its the satisfaction felt.
as incidents happen throughout my day.
i picture it and translate it to words.
den back to picture.
but a more complicated one.
confirm tak paham kan ape aku bobal.
i got two frigging reports due tomorrow and im nowhere near conclusion.
take a chill pill.