
my nemesis.

im pooped.
my eyes are droopy.
black eyebags forming.
slouching shoulders.
slow reflexes.
growing and growling tummy.
tired legs.
sore throat.
endless tissue raids for nose.


my nemesis the fever has returned!

and im bored with everything right now.
don't get me wrong.
im thankful.bersyukur.
for everything.

but i think its just me.
think i gotta step up.
it has been stagnant for so long.

thank goodness baby is always here for me.
merci baby.

and guess what.
i still havent watch too fast too furious 4.
because someone watched without me.

ok.gotta lie down now.
my head is in water.
think u guys know how that feels.
and cool fever is my best friend for tonight.

*don't let stupid things control you ok.learn to let it go.im sorry if im adding to any negative feelings.i love you dongdong.*

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