


somebody's gonna get hurt real bad.

somebody was suuupper sweet today.
fetched me from work.
was late.
but reasonably late.

asked me to take his wax while driving.

so i was lyk,
"nanti leh la!ape kene pkai skg~"

he was like,
"amek je la!"

then there was this pressie waiting for me inside.
and guess what it was!
something i wanted like forever!

then he said that he had no coupons left.
asked me to check in his dashbox.
aku bodo2 pi check.

i didnt notice this small pink book.
he wrote around 15 pages of our history together back then.
he did another replica of the leaf he did for me three years back.

then he grinned sheepishly.

so ya.
sweetest ever kan.

thank you cookie.
i love you.
happy foreverness.(??)

thank you for being with me.
sticking with me through thick and thin.
big and small.
pain and pleasure.
satisfaction and hunger.
kebuloh and kenyang.
and so much more...

*lets continue strengthening the walls that we built around us.te amo dongdong*

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